Max Wörner in an interview with Stylepark

“There are a lot of necessary tasks to manage a change towards more sustainability in the construction sector and we see ourselves as one of the solutions,” says Max Wörner, CEO of TRIQ GmbH, in an interview with Stylepark Magazine.

Stylepark is an online platform and magazine for architecture and design products. On a regular basis the magazine showcases innovative and groundbreaking developments such as TRIQBRIQ. In his interview with the online magazine, Max Wörner provides interesting insights into the construction industry and explains which innovations in the field of recyclable building materials are currently gaining relevance.

The central topic of the interview is the patented solid timber construction system “TRIQBRIQ”. TRIQBRIQ is a timber building block that is manufactured in a climate-neutral way from damaged and weak wood and can be installed quickly and without artificial fasteners thanks to a dowel connection system. This makes it a holistically sustainable building material.

With TRIQBRIQ, TRIQ GmbH wants to change the construction industry in a sustainable and future-oriented way. Wörner emphasizes that for such a construction turnaround, it is imperative that “the large, established companies work together with the small, up-and-coming start-ups.”

Read the interview here and learn more about our timber construction system!