With this guideline in mind, representatives of the automotive and building sectors met again in Berlin last Wednesday and Thursday. The goal of the third and thus last CEWI workshop was to finalise the »Circular Economy« projects of the respective working groups and thus prepare them for their presentation in July. TRIQBRIQ AG was again […]
These and other questions were discussed by our public relations officer Lewin Fricke in the German Bundestag on March 24, 2022. He accepted the invitation of the two members of the Bundestag Niklas Wagener MdB and Tessa Ganserer MdB, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, to explain the advantages of building with calamity wood together with their scientific […]
Vonovia and the Fraunhofer Alliance hosted the kick-off conference ≫Perspectives on the Future of Building≪ at the Design Offices in Berlin on 23.03.22. Representatives from politics, science and the construction industry – including our Head of Public Relations Lewin Fricke – discussed the perspectives on the future of building. The conference marks the start of […]
Our vision is a profound change in the construction industry towards holistic sustainable building and living. This month, our CEO Max Wörner, TRIQBRIQ inventor Werner Grosse and our Head of PR & PA Lewin Fricke were guests at Heuer Dialog GmbH events twice to present our innovation TRIQBRIQ and our ideas for achieving climate goals. […]
An association of sustainable construction start-ups, demands a massive change of direction in German housing and construction policy. On 21.09.2021 between 11:00 – 12:00 o’clock a press meeting took place on this topic. The initiative is supported by Architects for Future and the Association of German Architects (BDA). Currently, no political party offers a housing […]
“There are a lot of necessary tasks to manage a change towards more sustainability in the construction sector and we see ourselves as one of the solutions,” says Max Wörner, CEO of TRIQ GmbH, in an interview with Stylepark Magazine.
In addition, around 250 million tons of construction waste are generated in Germany alone, which corresponds to around 60 % of the national waste volume. But despite these devastating numbers there is little progress in politics. Max Wörner, CEO of TRIQBRIQ, comments on this problem: »We are running out of time and the construction sector […]
“An innovative idea that combines the advantages of robotics and timber construction,” said Udo Cordts-Sanzenbacher, Managing Director of BNP Paribas Real Estate, in an online article about TRIQ GmbH’s sustainable solid wood construction system.
Since last week the sustainable timber construction system TRIQBRIQ of the Stuttgart-based company TRIQ is officially part of the network of the International Building Exhibition 2027 City Region Stuttgart. The timber construction system is a patented solid wood building system that can be assembled without environmentally harmful composite materials. The standardized wood building blocks, made from […]
“City of Tree Houses”: Berlin is planning the largest timber construction quarter in the world – TRIQBRIQ is being discussed as a potential building material. The city of the future is being built in the middle of Berlin on the site of the old Berlin-Tegel Airport. On 500 hectares – in addition to a research […]
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